
Azure Automation Visual Studio Code Extension

During January 2023 Microsoft had launched Preview of Visual Studio Code Extension for Azure Automation. Azure Automation is one of the commonly used Azure service, which is used to automate mundane activities by IT Professional.

Azure Automation provides a new extension from VS Code to create and manage runbooks. Using this extension, you can perform all runbook management operations such as, creating and editing runbooks, triggering a job, tracking recent jobs output, linking a schedule, asset management, and local debugging.


  • No need to go to Azure Portal for Managing Runbook
  • Improve overall E2E time for support
  • Local Debugging – Yes you can debug your runbook locally, this was headache for Support Engineers since there was no provision for debugging script from Azure Portal (Except relying on output stream). Though this is feature is still in preview but will definitely be helpful in future.
Limitations as of writing this blog (Feb 2023)
  • Creation of new schedules.
  • Adding new Certificates in Assets.
  • Upload Modules (PowerShell and Python) packages from the extension.
  • Auto-sync of local runbooks to Azure Automation account. You will have to perform the operation to Fetch or Publish runbook.
  • Management of Hybrid worker groups.
  • Graphical runbook and workflows.
  • For Python, we don’t provide any debug options. We recommend that you install any debugger extension in your Python script.
  • Currently, we support only the unencrypted assets in local run.
Please watch this video to understand how to create and author runbook with VS Code

Connect Non Azure VM or AWS VM with Azure Automation Account

If you the Cloud Support Engineer and handling day to day Cloud Operations then it would be obvious that you would be doing Patching and Installation of VM updates.

As we know Azure provides an option to handle auto installation of updates at the scale with help of Automation Account. You can not only handle updates installation for Azure VMs, but also for Non-Azure VM like VM from other Cloud provider AWS and GCP (Multi-Cloud), On-Premise VMs etc. Here are the steps to connect AWS VM with Azure Cloud

1. Setup Automation Account
  • Go to the Azure Portal
  • Create new Automation Account
  • Once done, go inside the newly create Automation Account
  • In left hand side menu select ‘Update Management’
  • We need to create Log Analytics workspace, basically it captures all log data from Virtual Machines and send it to workspace.
  • Select ‘Create New Workspace’ in drop down and click Enable button
  • It will take approx. 5 mins to setup new Workspace.
2. Get Log Analytics Workspace Details
  • You would need to get agent details from Workspace
  • Go to the Workspace created in Step 1
  • In left hand side menu select ‘Agents management’
  • Based upon the type of OS (Windows/ Linux), download the agent installation file
  • Also, copy 3 important details i.e. Workspace ID, Primary Key, Secondary Key
3. Install Agent on Non-Azure VM
  • Let’s create new Windows Machine in AWS Cloud
  • Login to Virtual Machine
  • We need to install agent which was downloaded in Step 2
  • Copy agent file MMASetup-AMD64.exe to AWS VM
  •  Click on exe file and start installation process
  • Follow the instructions, click on ‘Connect the agent to Azure Log Analytics’ option
  • Insert the Workspace ID, Primary Key which you had copied in Step 2, click Next
  • Finish the installation

Come back to the ‘Update management’ option with Automation Account. If you notice, it has already started detecting that one new VM is connected and sending logs to Log Analytics Workspace. Just click on ‘Click to manage machine’. 

This is EC2 VM, just click on Enable button

It will take approx 45 mins for AWS VM to show up in Azure Update Management and from there you can monitor status, compliance, schedule updates deployment to AWS VM. Please note Platform is Non-Azure and OS is Windows

This is one the the multi-cloud scenario. Happy learning!!